Let’s Chat

Hi, I’m Matt and I’m constantly looking to connect with smart, talented people. I’d love to hear what you’re working on.


What Is Private Equity and How Does It Work?

If you work in startups or a growth-stage business, you've undoubtedly heard the term "private equity" before. Yet most employees don't know what the term means let alone understand the role private equity plays in the market. In this article, we're going to break...

Go Slow to Grow Fast

Many first-time founders believe in the mantra: "Go big or go home!" The downside, experienced by a slew of recent startups, it raising money at sky-high valuations with a plan to "burn, baby, burn!" with hopes of EVENTUALLY finding product-market fit and generating...

Five Rules to Follow on Your Entrepreneurial Path

Earlier in my career, deciding what to work on seemed so easy. "Fail fast and fail forward," they said. After some trial and error, I ended up leading a company that has been quite successful to date. That is not to say it's been easy, but it has worked out well - for...

Can You Build a Perfect Business?

Think about all of the things you buy. This includes the products you use, the media you consume, the ads you are exposed to, the software that runs on your computer and phone, the infrastructure that powers our homes and offices, and the food you eat and drink each...

Business Is Life

Why do we impose limits on ourselves? Why do we assume "more" is for "other people"? Why do we settle? As astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson puts it: "We presume that balance is a good thing. When something is out of balance, you can get quite innovative in your...

Something Tells Me…

Does your mind ever start looking for an answer to something without even knowing the question? Mine does, every so often. Sometimes it comes from within: "Pssst. This is interesting and important," my mind says. "Go check it out." "But why? This doesn't even have...

Closing the Gap

As many of you know, I have been training for my first full Columbus Marathon in October. The race will be a special one, not only because it's my first 26.2 but because I'm doing it to help raise money and awareness for my good friend, Lindsay Giannobile. [To see her...

F*@% Busy

This post has been a long time coming. The past few months I've had my head down, executing and learning a lot. To be honest, it's the busiest I've ever been in my life. This is a stark contrast to where I was 13 months ago. When BULX (my previous employer) was sold...

Startup Resources in Columbus

The startup community is not only alive and well in Columbus, Ohio - it's flourishing. When I joined the BULX team in July 2010, I was completely new to the tech startup world. I had always considered myself an entrepreneur and had founded a handful of my own...